Erasmus+ Course Builder

Education improves skills and employment prospects through education.

If you work in education in the European Union, Lake School Professional Development Courses 2017 are eligible for Erasmus+ scholarships.

In addition to basic first aid courses, there are a number of additional courses that may help you both learn new skills while also broadening your knowledge. These courses allow individuals to expand their grasp of understanding and enhance their professional abilities, as well as work together to share good practices and test creative solutions to vexing problems.

The St. Mary’s Centre maintained its place in the National Funding Agency’s database of approved schools, even after the €295 monthly charge was removed. The cost to attend is still well worth it because courses are eligible for EU funding through Erasmus+ grants and offer something extra: personalised attention from a professional teacher.

The Lake School provides students more than 40 Professional Development Course dates in the Erasmus+ Course Catalogue, as well as numerous other courses.

Erasmus+ Course Builder

Each year, we host over 300 professional development courses. Some participants meet with coworkers from their educational or professional institution.

The needs of businesses, organizations such as teacher training colleges, university departments, and ministries of education have prompted us to develop customised courses for their teaching and non-teaching personnel.

Here are some of the components you may choose from if you would like us to create a closed group program for your organization.

  • Classroom Challenges – Improved motivation, engagement, and results through the use of gamification.
  • Communicative Competence – Developing fluency and confidence in all areas of your English
  • Teaching and Learning in the 21st century – Effective deployment of digital media and multi-channel delivery
  • Exploring and Creating Engaging Tasks – Focusing on the end-user to ensure that your resources are relevant and adaptable to meet genuine and particular demands
  • The Benefits of Basics – At the same time, they will improve the students’ abilities in the Grammar Nook.
  • Collaborative and Interactive Innovation – The path to becoming a teacher is one that requires critical thinking.
  • Understanding an Evolving International Language – Through immersion and learning in context, you will be able to improve your English.

Contact the Lake School if you require Erasmus+ assistance, and Course Builder rates.

We’ll be delighted to assist and advise you.